Friday, April 22, 2011

Scribe Post 4/13/11

To start class today, we began by looking for 3 paragraphs of regular plot, 3 paragraphs of style, and three moments that seem insignificant, but are actually quite important.

Here are the moments that the class came up with:
  1. p. 287-288: Moment of plot: Letter received from Superman's comic book publisher accuses Kavalier and Clay of copyright infringment
  2. p. 208: Moment of style: Descriptive moment talking about inter-twined paths and how it all fits into the story of K&C
  3. p. 262:  Moment of desperation wanting brother back
  4. p. 255: Sammy is struggling with sexuality when he feels pang of jealousy when seeing Joe and Rosa
  5. p. 216: talking about escapist and its importance to K&C
  6. p. 275:  Moment of plot:  Joe creates hero, Luna Moth because of his feelings for Rosa.
  7. p. 253: Moment of plot:  Joe and Rosa share a moment with an instant connection.  They have their own made up dream language that only they can understand because of their connection.  
    1. Sammy see this and also have this connection through language, and now Joe and Rosa have one now and Sammy and Joe's relationship
    2. Right before the kiss, "moths scattered"
      1. Moth = Death, decay
        1. Foreshadowing the decay of the relationship between Sam and Joe
  8. p. 178-179:  Moment of hyperbolic description when the Escapist is trapped.  Important line:  "His (Joe's) sense of bureaucracy, of being powerless to help or free his family..."
    1. Joe has repeatedly tried to free his family from Prague by going to the consulate but is blocked by "red tape"
and the next scribe post is,  SJ

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