Thursday, February 3, 2011

Scribe Post: February 1

English Notes February 1, 2011

Final Discussions on K & C

-Sammy decides to leave; he is going to L.A. to pursue the lifestyle he wishes

-Joe tells Sammy can’t leave, because Joe just bought Empire Comics; Sammy responds he may be able to participate from afar

-Rosa crying while preparing sleeping arrangements—she has the opportunity to reclaim her lover but is losing her husband and good friend

-Sammy re-writes the card to say, “Kavalier and Clay.”

-In what ways does this resolve major conflicts and issues?

-Sammy is forgiving Joe and has welcomed him back into his life. He and Joe are a “brotherhood” once more.

-Card may also represent the golden key. Sammy sacrificed for Joe and is now going to claim his own life.

-Issues of Sammy’s sexuality are more clearly defined. Joe is aware of Sammy’s preferences and –in some ways- the Senate hearings were a relief for Sammy in terms of “coming out.”

-The end of the book brings more stability and clarity for Rosa and the other relationships—Sammy to Joe, Joe to Tommy, and Rosa to both men

-Parallel story: Mayflower sacrifices everything he owns for the freedom of another, Big Al… In the primary story, Sammy sacrifices a lot for Joe. He led the life Joe was supposed to lead for a while (husband to Rosa, father to Tommy).

-Golem goes from being light to heavy.

-What is Chabon trying to show with the change in weight?

-The Golem is now heavy with pain of loss, with souls of families.

-Golem was used for to protect Jews; millions of lives filled with suffering or loss are in box.

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