Thursday, January 13, 2011

Egg Sun

Sun set onto inessential water left to our broken sun heart
These boys quietly work patching what we have left
So that one day the soul of our sun can return to its heart for protection from the cold
The eight of them work outside in toward the torn center that fell apart apart.
They don’t realize how little time they have before the flash of green light shines with the sun fall
Hundreds of birds hover above trying to figure out what they have left and where to go
I still sit and watch satisfied with what we all have left.
That the water will always flow and the sun will return.


  1. i like how you take the sun away and then at the end it returns almost in an apocalyptic way

  2. I like how you bring different pieces of the piece into your poem almost creating a story out of the picture

  3. "Hundreds of birds hover above trying to figure out what they have left and where to go, I still sit and watch satisfied with what we all have left."
    very cool

  4. I think you like gardening or building

  5. This poem is just fantastic. I love the people fixing the egg and the apocalyptic nature.

  6. Green light- Gatsby?
    Anyway, my favorite prat was "So that one day the soul of our sun can return to its heart for protection from the cold." I think it's a really meaningful and powerful line.

  7. i like the end of the poem. It's sort of like a little bit of hope in a sort of apocalypse

  8. They don’t realize how little time they have before the flash of green light shines with the sun fall

    Love the reference "how little time"

  9. Dali's rules and poetry of admirer, love your write
