Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I had an affinity for blondes
Yet when I met you, I was captivated by your luscious brown locks
There was a deep, rich opulence in your eyes
A melancholy expression, as if you had given up on love
The effervescence drained out of you by too many heartbreaks
But there was a piercing, sagacious look in your eyes that shined through
I feel a surge of adrenaline pump through my veins when you’re near
The proximity of your lips is overwhelmingly
I have a voracious appetite for you
And although the phrase “I love you” is so very hackneyed
I don’t get tired of hearing you say you love me
And when you walk away, I smile with a cool nonchalance
Only to sit in the corner later, tears unable to give justice to the morose feeling in my chest
I could not supplant you with another love

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