Friday, January 14, 2011

Scribe Post for Janurary 13,2011

Today in class we discussed Part IV The Golden Age of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. As a class we came to the conclusion that this chapter was the chapter where everything took a turn for the worst. Sammy was arrested for being gay. Rosa discovered she was pregnant and decided to get an abortion, Thomas’ ship sunk and Joe tried to kill himself.
While analyzing these events we not only discussed them in their entirety but the symbols that are encompassed in these significant events. For example Sammy while with Bacon at Love’s “Gay Men Weekend” not only ran into Ruth Ebling (Carl Ebling’s sister) but he was arrested for being gay. Not only was Sammy arrested he was sexually violated being forced to have oral sex with one of the policemen so he himself would not be arrested. This event made Sammy feel violated forcing him to break off his relationship with Tracy Bacon.
To go back to Carl, Carl Ebling possibly better known as The Saboteur is a villain in life and in Kavalier and Clay’s comic book. Carl Ebling is the person who bombed one of the places where Joe was performing for a barmitzvah. No one would have ever guessed Carl Ebling was a crazy villain waiting for the perfect chance to see revenge on Joe the Escapist. Knowing this we come upon the challenging question of what’s reality and what’s illusion? Mr.Neal brought up the great point that in comic books we know who the villains are, whether they be in costumes or not, in life we do not have that choice. It is not always obvious as to who is the villain and who is the nice guy.
The chapter continues to get worse. When Joe found out his brother Thomas, who had been on his way to New York for months drown in the ship “Ark of Marie”, Joe realized that he could not no longer live in invisible chains, he could not thrive off of illusion through battling crime and history in comic books.Joe’s suicide represented him officially giving up and putting forth no more effort for anyone.

Imo you're the scribeee! :)


  1. I really liked your description of a comic book when you were describing Carl and Joesf's fight. How in real life the line between good and evil is blurry.

  2. At the very end of The Golden Age, it is important to add that even though the readers are unsure, Joe is going to enlist in the Navy. When he does enlist, Joe is leaving himself and those invisible chains behind in NYC, where he is the man that lost his little brother.

  3. Very good post, Alexys! I like how you balanced the summary and commentary so nicely. Your comparison of Joe's will to live to his will to go on in life was very interesting and insightful. Well done!

  4. I think that the reason that Sammy decided not to go to California because he realized the dangers of being gay. I don't think he fully realized before that being gay was an offense worthy of being arrested for--I mean, I think he knew it, but it wasn't something in the forefront of his consciousness. I think the fear of being outed was the motivating factor of deciding to stay in New York.
