Thursday, January 13, 2011

The man sails his ship
over the waves of the sea
The speck of land in the distance being his only source of hope
The waves crash
The wind blows
and the man drives, determined to succeed

But as he nears the shore,
After all these days of fighting,
he realizes.

His life is the ocean.
His ship and the sea are a part of him as much as his flesh and blood.
And as he steps on to shore,
the ground feels alien.

Because he is the ocean
He is a vessel meant for exploration
And he can not live on land.
And he will never leave the ocean again.


  1. And as he steps on to shore,
    the ground feels alien.
    Because he is the ocean
    He is a vessel meant for exploration

    really like this, related to the picture but all your own

  2. His life is the ocean

    Love the metaphor

  3. "His life is the ocean.
    His ship and the sea are a part of him as much as his flesh and blood.
    And as he steps on to shore,
    the ground feels alien."
    I like how this poem isn't what you would expect to follow the poem as we've seen so far.

  4. And as he steps on to shore,
    the ground feels alien.

    i dig this because you have made him very unlike us. i think lippman is right, do,

  5. its cool how you connected each part of his body to a piece of your poem

  6. He is a vessel meant for exploration,

    A good purpose in life i suppose

  7. I like how you move from, "His life is the ocean," to "Because he is the ocean." This is wonderful.

  8. "His ship and the sea are a part of him as much as his flesh and blood."
    I like how you include metaphorical and literal interpretations to the painting. Brings the two together really well
