Thursday, January 13, 2011

God Dam Italian Looking Spaniards

Hello there

I'm just sitting right here, bodiless, staring into the air

Do you see my eyes? Are you scared?

Where am I? I'm not here nor there

I am nothing but a figment of your imagination

I am a conundrum yet an oxymoron in the brain of a moron

Just look at my hair!

I am Italian, a classic moustache

Yet I am Spanish, and art is my past

Look into me, and you will see a rash

You must keep itching because the pain feels like a blast

Dig Deep, for I am nothing, no reality here

Blue sky, blue water

Look over your shoulder and you will be staring at your peer

But I follow you, while you let me

Because this is deep, this shit is heavy


  1. My favorite part was: "But I follow you, while you let me

    Because this is deep, this shit is heavy."

  2. I liked when it ended...

    very cool how you must keep looking but you are never there

  3. "You must keep itching because the pain feels like a blast"
    simple yet this line worked nicely transitioning your lines

  4. i like how youre asking questions to the reader as if i were standing in the painting

  5. This is my favorite part

    I am a conundrum yet an oxymoron in the brain of a moron

    I like the variation on "moron" "oxymoron." Bonus points.

  6. I love, I am nothing but a figment of your imagination

  7. I liked how every line added a new element to the poem. And how the lines weren't necessarily related.
