Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I knew there was something wrong from the morose look he had on his face
When I asked what was wrong he replied with a brusque answer “nothing”
He isn’t a dispassionate person or misanthrope for that matter

When we’re together its exuberance
We were coalesced together for a reason and it was exemplary
He decadenced me when I tried to figure out what was wrong
Something was wrong with that morose look he had on his face

He is brusque, I am courteous
I am exuberant; I greet everything with a smile
He is dispassionate; he greets everything with a grimace
I love him- does he love me?
He is a misanthrope; always pushing people away
And if he doesn’t try to, his moroseness will
He is stoic; he feels no pain, no discomfort
But I know that surreptitiously, he does
He is parsimonious; I am prodigal
I buy everything; he buys nothing
I will soon be insolvent
Why do I keep trying to buy his love?
He will never love me the way I love him
Life isn’t that simple
I just have to keep breathing, keep trying, keep going

The nonchalance of a womens hair
is the progeny of her father
yet she is stoic in the light of distress
while i writhe in the seat of a movie theatre
yet i was parsimonious so there is no popcorn
with the brusqueness of a goodbye
i am no longer dispassionate
yet indefatigable because while she is just one
there are many others, no reason to be a misanthrope
or to be morose
because i am the exemplay human
i have exuberance, I have progeny
and i am voracious
however, i am insolvent
but i am prodigal


Your smile is nonchalant, indefatigable, and voracious.

All at once it hits me, like a sucker-punch to the kisser.

It sucks me in greedily, it never ends, only to gleam at me casually-as if I mean nothing.

I put on a stoic face, I act dispassionate.

But god, I’m writhing in my skin.

Every bone twists and cracks and splits.

It’s hipster and cliché and parsimonious how I act and feel when I’m without you.

And all I need is that one little smirk, slipped to me surreptitiously.

I’m insolvent when it comes you.

I’ll never cash-in, I’ll always be prodigal.

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