Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Sometimes it is just fine
To shed the nonchalance
To drop the dispassionate stares
To evict the misanthropic tendency
Sometimes it is just fine
To love

Let yourself roll in it
Consume, with a voracious appetite
That which you love
Let yourself be indefatigable
Let you and your love coalesce
Into a new you

Do not be afraid to indulge
Decadence is not a crime in love
Those who are parsimonious have lost
Those who fear of insolvency in old age
A lack and drought of love
Having burned the jets for so long
Cannot make it far enough

And last of all
Do not simply love
But love deeply
Flaunt it
To be surreptitious
Is to be the one hushing the crowd
At a Stones concert

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