Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I am not a music producer

I am a music producer

I am not a music producer because music to me is not expressive and anointing to me. Music to me is a bunch of sounds when I hear it. I don’t take music seriously like it’s the only thing in my life. I am not a music producer because I don’t know how to even make music or know what type of beat if great for a music artist. I am not a music producer because I don’t have a ear for music meaning, I don’t know which instrument goes for which part of the song.

1 comment:

  1. I like your post. I think you did a good job of taking things that probably are true about yourself and reversing them to fit the meaning of the piece. I get what you're trying to express in your first sentence but it sounds a little bit awkward (repetition of 'to me'). Is there anything else that makes you NOT a music producer? If so, elaborate.
