Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Invisible Man Chapter 8-10.

Reactions on Ch 8-10 of IM

Bruna: Narrator never says his name.
Why? Because he is invisible; symbolism behind every African American person-he could be anyone.
Noah: More of a positive sections.
Jay: Going to NY, how he describes Harlem.
Courtney: Homeless man and the dog?

Reactions to the letter:: "Not fair, game is exposed"
"Vail is being lifted"
Recognizing his invisibility. He is starting to realize the hypocrisy of the social structure.

Kike-Racial slur for a Jewish person.

Mr. Emerson: Nice, polite, how he says; "Have a seat please", he is different.
What is odd? Something he might be hinting at?--
Descriptions of eyes. Mr. Emerson vs. Bledsoe

Symbolism-Exotic bird in the cage. People that have important things to say are often trapped in a cage.

Page 180-Description of office
Foreshadowing what is about to come.
First Paragraph-Jay-"Same as all other white people, foreshadowing it will be different"

Page 187-
"Going to tell the truth"
Bottom of 187-anything odd?; "Jim and Huck Finn; Why go back; So much you can do here where there is more freedom; My father considers me as one of the unspeakables; curious about what lies behind the face of things?"

Ellison makes him seem like he is above every one else-Karan
Beating around the bush, wants to tell IM about Bledsoe's intentions, is he trying to be professional by not speaking directly?-Sara
Everyone's following what they think should be the norm-David
Hiding something from his past that we don't know about-Sarah Jane
Mysterious person in higher power-Amanda
More equal rights, bring out liberties, Emerson does not agree with his father, does not want to follow in his footsteps-Bruna

Mr. Emerson is a homosexual. Mr. Neal is stating it "because he is a professional reader".
Swing his hips, touches his knee, 'unspeakable'

Famous book by Sigmund Freud-Totem and Taboo
Symbols in ch 10 tomorrow.

Next scribe is.... Jake!

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