Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I am not an energetic person

I identify myself as an energetic person

Why I am not an energetic person. What I want to be, is not what I am. I try and try, but as I come closer to truth I only further myself. I want to be energetic, I want to be fun. I want to just have a good time and be the center of attention. However, that is not what I am. I am someone who enjoys to be by themselves. I am someone who would rather play video games, or train for soccer than be put on trial by society’s laws. I am alone but I am not lonely, and I enjoy the peacefulness. The stress is taken away and I do not have to worry if my friends will find my next joke funny, for the only jokes I say are inside my head, and I always find myself funny. I identify myself as an energetic person, however I am what I am.


  1. This is tremendous.

    What I want to be, is not what I am.

  2. I like how it's like you aspire to be energetic but you can't for some reason.

  3. Loved this line:

    What I want to be, is not what I am. I try and try, but as I come closer to truth I only further myself.

    I like how this piece is almost a plead...

  4. "I try and try, but as I come closer to truth I only further myself." this is such a great line. good job!

  5. I am alone but I am not lonely, and I enjoy the peacefulness.

    I like that a lot because its very true. great job!

  6. That last line really made me think.

  7. you truly defined what you are not well. i believed you were not an energetic person...

  8. "worry if my friends will find my next joke funny, for the only jokes I say are inside my head, and I always find myself funny"

    very witty and deep liked it lots

  9. To be alone but yet not feel alone is one of the greatest virtues in life.. Think JFK once said that.. regardless its still a powerful message to be who you are all the time and letting your self be who you are by yourself will never leave you lonely

  10. I like how you say

    I identify myself as an energetic person, however I am what I am.
