Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I am not a Sane Person

Why I am not a Sane Person

I am not a sane person because I do not think logically. I tend to make up crazy ideas in my head like stories and fantasy realms and possess them as though they were reality. Not that I am insane when I do things like that, it is just not a realistic view. But alas, I continue making up my fictional stories containing warlocks, elves and gremlins and I live them. I will never talk with somebody about what could be out there when we die; what will happen to us, or where we will go. However, the only time I like to think about death is when I think that I will get superpowers when I die and fly around fucking with people. This is just who I am; I cannot help it, I cannot hide it.


  1. I continue making up my fictional stories containing warlocks, elves and gremlins and I live them. good for you!

  2. I continue making up my fictional stories containing warlocks, elves and gremlins and I live them.

    best line all day

  3. Love the concept of living your dreams as a reality

  4. I think what goes on in my head could beat up what goes on in your head.

  5. You make up fictional stories??? since when? you just learn something new everyday... don't mess with me when you die.

  6. I think your sane...but not after this piece.

  7. "I continue making up my fictional stories containing warlocks, elves and gremlins and I live them"

    dont make fun of my saturday night please....

  8. Someone killed my comments. I don't remember what I said. I am sorry. It is a piece that has me thinking about logistics.

  9. Funny, I like how it sort of has two parts to it. The fictional stories and the death parts

  10. what would anyone be without a little crazy?
    this is great.
