Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I Am not African American

I am not African American because that is not all of me. My Carmel colored skin is only the depthless exterior of my substance and soul. The roots that I grow on this planet Earth don’t solely correlate with my African routes. Instead I yearn to grow roots on this earth that inspire other to be something other than their routes too. I am a daughter, a sister, niece and grand daughter. I have dreams that entail more than escaping my skin or becoming the model Black in the neighborhood. I have dreams of dancing on the beach at night and going sky diving, simple stuff, that involves me putting my toes in white sand and being near white clouds. Brown is not my only color. African American is not me.


  1. I really can identify with this, and I love this piece's descriptive/dream-like nature.

  2. you're far more than a single identity and that concept is one that is key to remember.

  3. THis is smart and beautiful. Really smart.

  4. i like how it's like you're a tree. the whole roots/routes thing is muy clever.

  5. I like how you use the word "only" to show that African American is a part of you but isn't you.

  6. I like how you go deeper than just colors to talk about more

  7. "The roots that I grow on this planet Earth don’t solely correlate with my African routes. Instead I yearn to grow roots on this earth that inspire other to be something other than their routes too"

    awesome quote. very cool and witty. magical

  8. this is a great piece its very deep and meaningful.

  9. This is a really powerful piece of writing. I love the way you talk about your future, and your past.

  10. I like how you look inside you for what kind of person you are, and stop looking at race. It is refreshing.

  11. I love the emphasis on white sands and white places
