Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I am not a unique person.

I wake up, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, get dressed. Everyone else that I know wakes up, eats breakfast, brushes their teeth and gets dressed. I do what everyone else does everyday. I go to school. All of my peers go to school. I'll go and see a movie. Who hasn't seen Avatar. I walk in the most efficient way possible as does everyone else, I live my life with the need for food and water like everyone else. I'm like everyone around me and do things no differently than them. If I were unique I would crawl on all fours down the street dressed in clothes made of exotic materials not meant to be worn. Instead of English I would make noise to communicate and I would do nothing the same anyone else. I'd sleep all day and be awake all night, eating only what I felt like and when I felt like eating it. I would travel the world and do things no one has ever dared do. I'd run through the desert wearing a sweater and walk barefoot through the Arctic. But I am not unique and I do not do any of these things.


  1. I love the way you started the poem "I wake up, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, get dressed" it really made your point. good job.

  2. I like how you give us examples of what a unique person would do.

  3. Its really true how we are all basically the same and do the same thing everyday- i never really thought aboout it till now. AwSoMe.

  4. very good. i like how say how u are like everyone else then what you would do if you where unique. very cool.

  5. I like how you eliminated the notion of "everyone's unique", at least for a second, and developed your own definition of what unique is.

  6. I love that a the end you said that you are not unique

  7. I love how you talk about all the things that you would do if you were unique but that you are not (even though I know that you want to do those things).

  8. I really like how you first establish the fact you are no unique explain why and you do all of this before writing essentially the fantasy of being unique but then revert right back to the beginning.

  9. I like the whole if I were unique then.....

    It adds a good other perspective to your non-uniqueness.
