Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I am not a fun person.

Why I am not a fun person because I love nothing more then sitting on the couch and eating half a pint of Ben and Jerry’s half baked ice cream on a Friday night. Now that does not sound fun, fun is going out with your friends and having a party with a huge group of people and going meet new people. Fun is staying out past your curfew because time just got away from you and when you go home you have to sneak into your house and tip toe up the stairs. Not channel surfing for hours and passing out on the couch before eleven o’clock there for I am not a fun person.


  1. You know what, I love Half Baked. I love this little piece. It's like Half Baked.

  2. sounds like you have a lot of fun.

  3. I like how u explain wht fun is then show why you are not a fun person

  4. You really make the reader think that you're not fun

  5. This piece is really relatable. good job!

  6. I can be the same way too. Good stuff! I like this alot.

  7. I think it's fun... don't judge me

  8. A fun person is someone who does lotsw of things?

  9. But wait, I love ben and jerry's half baked ice cream. I guess passing out during midnight channel surfing is a different kind of fun

  10. I like the "Fun is staying out past your curfew because time just got away from you and when you go home you have to sneak into your house and tip toe up the stairs."
