Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I am not a Canadian person

I am not Canadian because I do not live in Canada, at least not all the time. I like hockey but on TV and not when im actually playing and, given a curling stone, I will do nothing with it. My accent is American lacking that weird mix between a flat unemotional monologue spiced with a British twist I do not mind the cold but, neither do most New Englanders and, furthermore; waking up, I check the Boston weather not the Montreal news.
I am not Canadian for I order breakfast simply " two pancakes, one egg, and a cup of coffee," and not the French-Canadian language of " two eggz-doublesmile. toast buttered-upsidedown. no white sugr cufey, pay later or check now?" As you can see, I can not even understand what a Canadian even says and so, am not Canadian.


  1. I never thought you were Canadian, this convinced me that I was right.

  2. You do not live in canda, of that i am sure

  3. "My accent is American lacking that weird mix between a flat unemotional monologue spiced with a British twist" thats a good/ funny line. Good Job!

  4. Loved this. so funny... I loved how you mastered how Canadians spoke.

  5. very cool. I like all the obvious candianisms but u do none of them. very clever

  6. Really clever and funny.
    I like the
    "I dont even understand what a Canadian even says"
    good line.

  7. I check the Boston weather not the Montreal news

    I like this line because it sort of sums up the logic of this whole paragraph.

  8. Wait so you are or your not? You seem pretty Canadian to me <3

  9. I really like this idea of a nationality being far more than your location and accent. The hinting on the culture sends the clear distinction that sets you in the piece apart from canadians
