Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I Am Not Reliable

I am not a reliable person. I would like to be a reliable person but the one thing that gets in the way is how unreliable I am. I know that I have good intentions and that I want to be known as somebody who can get the job done, but I am not. I have a bad tendency to be lazy or slack off. I have a nasty habit of neglecting the jobs I am given. When somebody asks me to do something, I always say yes, but saying yes is only half of the fight. The other half is where I fall short. Where I let up at the first sign of a problem and give in to my desire to do nothing. I am pulled away from my responsibilities and taken hostage by the temptations of TV, sleep, and video games. I want people to have faith in my drive and my ability, but I just don’t know that it’s there.


  1. This feels like the truth. Is it the truth? You rock.

  2. This piece really shows how what you are is only what you identify to be.

  3. Determination feeds into reliability.

  4. I never thought you were reliable, not once.

  5. "When somebody asks me to do something, I always say yes, but saying yes is only half of the fight."

    Oh so true. Peaching to the quire big gguy

  6. Balancing fun and work is difficult, I trust you!

  7. "I am pulled away from my responsibilities and taken hostage by the temptations of TV, sleep, and video games." good job and i'm pretty sure that happens to everyone. lol

  8. i like the part where you say that saying yes is half of the fight. i agree and i think a lot of people have this problem; they fall short on promises and let people down.

  9. I feel like your idea connects to everyone. everyone gets distracted, especially me

  10. I Like this alot, but you shouldn't be hard on yourself. :)
