Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I Am Not An Athletic Person-Ikey C

Well to start off I hate to run. I wish exercise came without running. So many movements. Trying to work as one well oiled machine, but i am not much of a machine I am more like a used tomato soup can.
I love chips and dip and everything that might get lost in between couch pillows. Push-ups have never been fun. Why go from holding myself up to lying on my belly then pushing myself back up, why not just stay stationary on the ground with my belly resting upon wall to wall carpet. I find that a big leather chair is so much more comfortable than a nice wet pair of cleats that where used yesterday and the year before that. Why pass the ball to a team mate when I could just ask my best friend to pass the dip.
The best thing about being not athletic is no one calls you a ball hog or no one makes fun of how bad you are. You are your own referee, you make the rules of what happens on that couch. You are the ref that decides how fat is too fat. You are the pusher who tells yourself get off your lazy ass and go for a run.


  1. I love not needing to have rules, be the master of the couch.

  2. I like how you make being non athletic sound like the better option. I enjoyed it and thought it was funny.

  3. I like how you questioned all those exercises people do to stay in shape. I never understood it either.

  4. "Trying to work as one well oiled machine, but i am not much of a machine I am more like a used tomato soup can." that is a great line. good job!

  5. i like the last line. Where you show that lazy people have the option not to be.

  6. It pleases me how you compare the laziness to a game or a practice. *snap, snap*

  7. That was awsommmeeeeee man. No but seriously that was really funny and I really enjoyed it.

  8. The progression of this piece is done nicely. Moving from the basic establishment of non-athletictism toward the overall message of being what you want without a care and still doing the right thing
