Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Scribe Post 10/12/10

Today in class, we discussed the revision of our personal narratives. We were given 15 minutes to work on it in class. We talked about how revision is the action of putting in sentences and taking them out. Revision is also the insertion of descriptive and figurative language. One idea that we didn't say was that editing is NOT revision. Revision is specifically the addition (or subtraction)of language that adds to the essay or piece as a whole. After these revisions we discussed what questions we had on chapters 11-15. A few topics we talked about:
-When the narrator is being operated on, he is getting a lobotomy without his head getting cut open. He is in some sort of machine.
-The narrator believes that the doctors are out to get him and he establishes that the purpose of the operation is to "cure" him of questioning society and how it works.
-The woman at the end of chapter 11 with the red delicious apple is a symbol of Eve, and the meaning behind this symbol is that Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the Forbidden Tree of Knowledge, and the narrator has been reprogrammed to not question things like Adam and Eve did.
-When the narrator finally speaks up in chapter 13, his speech is terribly formed; he doesn't know the name of the leader he tries to mention, and he stutters multiple times. But, in spite of all this, he still manages to speak out and revert back to his earlier state.
-One important thing we took from this speech is that the narrator is not making a speech for the brotherhood because of his good speaking technique, but actually because he is a bad speaker. His lack of speech making skills show in his speech, and the brotherhood is aware of this and have him speak to make him a bad example of his race.

The next scribe is....


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