Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I am not a Jewish Person

I identify myself as a Jewish person.
Why I am not a Jewish Person

I do not follow the ten commandants. I have quite often said the name of the lord my god in vain. I do not always remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. I am not a Jewish person because in the past I have doubted the existence of god. I find myself to not believe in the many customs and rules that the more religious sects of Judaism follow. I believe that woman are treated like crap. The orthodox woman are not allowed to follow their dream but instead they are forced to raise their many children, take care of the house, complete chores, and most become a slave to their husband. In synagogue, the place of worship, woman are forced to sit with other woman and upstairs or in the back, while the men sit with other men and have the perfect seats. At the western wall in Israel for example, if a woman’s son were to have their Bar Mitzvah, the Jewish right of passage, the woman would have to watch the most special event of the son’s life by standing on a chair on the opposite side. I am proud to be a Jew, but sometimes I wish that these customs would change

1 comment:

  1. This is a very nice writing piece. I can tell that you are very opinionated about this and you feel passionately about it. "...most become a slave to their husband"- the quote shows your strong opinion and it gives dramatic image.

    Good job! :)
