Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I am not motivated

Two days ago I found myself in a familiar place stuck between procrastination and my losing battle of dedication. Why would I sit for hours and work, when I can cram it all in, in one fell swoop. I have no passion for what I need to do and have lost the will to do what I can. So I’m left sitting in my room, waiting; almost hoping. But there’s no motivation in hope. The only thing you will ever get from hope will come if you are successful in what you hope for; it will come in the form of desire. Desire might lead to action and as soon as you decide to act you have become motivated. But I hope no longer because all chances of success have left, all forms of desire have failed. So it seems, today, I will not be motivated; another day I might choose to find the will that brings me to hope that will guide me to desire that might lead me to motivation.


  1. I love the phrase, "cram it all in, in one fell swoop." That's poetry. You play with language beautifully. Cram. Great word. Cram.

  2. Why would I sit for hours and work, when I can cram it all in, in one fell swoop. everyone does that and cramming is the best way to study. lol

  3. I'm glad that you've realized your problem and that you're trying to find a way to fix it. good job Nick.

  4. You had me convinced that you weren't motivated. I usually think of you as a very motivated person.

  5. "familiar place stuck between procrastination and my losing battle of dedication"

    really liked this line and entire piece

  6. i think everyone hates doing everything

  7. Motivation is a fuuny thing. It comes and goes without warning

  8. Crazy last line. I like it a lot.

  9. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful... I like you described motivation as a state of mind, described a day in depth of when you didn't feel motivated. I'm sure it'll come back to you.

  10. Yes you are, don't let anybody tell you otherwise!

  11. This was really clever and true.I like it alot, especially the end sentence:

    So it seems, today, I will not be motivated; another day I might choose to find the will that brings me to hope that will guide me to desire that might lead me to motivation.

    you play with words a lot and its beautifully done. Good Job!
