Monday, November 29, 2010

"Aswad and I"

I appreciate music; I enjoy listening to the sound of the violin when my mom plays a CD compiled of various Arabic songs. Aswad also appreciates music, but in a more intense, analytical way. She analyzes each note, she feels inspired to compose a piece, she would very much love to do a duet with her sister. I might not recognize Bach's work, even if I've played several pieces by Bach before. I don't practice the violin every day. I don't even think about playing the violin every day. However, when I do play the violin, I thoroughly enjoy it. I feel empowered when I play the violin, as it is a difficult instrument to master. My fingers sometimes feel sore after I've played for a long time, but it's worth it. However when I think of someone who loves music and truly understands music, I think of my sister. Aswad thinks that they can compete with each other musically. I don't feel as confident in my musical talents as Aswad does. Aswad walks on stage and plays a piece, passionately, soulfully; I walk on stage and feel nervous, I pick up the bow and I feel like my hands are trembling, my palms start to sweat. My grip on the bow loosens as I start to feel more and more anxious, I feel like I might cry if I make a single mistake while I play (though my mom said I seemed confident on stage; she must have been listening to Aswad play the violin). As I quickly walk off the stage, I feel relieved. Aswad bows and gracefully waltzes off the stage, smiling, feeling euphoric. Aswad plays the violin because she truly loves it. I play the violin to feel distracted from worries.

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