Monday, November 29, 2010

Randles and I

Randles and I:

Randles and I exits our teacher's office and we are immediately filled with a sense of intellectual accomplishment. Randles and I have just concluded a discussion on Existentialism and I feel very fulfilled, smart even, Randles feels this too. That night I watch a movie about Ludwig Wittgenstein Randles is there too but he is tired and doesn't pay all that much attention, but I watch regardless. Wittgenstein spent all his life wondering if philosophy was really necessary in life. At one point he concluded that language defines the world; All philosophical problems are mere excommunications in language. Earlier that night my father explained to me that he dropped philosophy in college, he doesn't want to be discouraging but after a while I gather that he thought it to be mental masturbation.

My father dropped philosophy and focused on language and literature. Literature, even when its about all the ugliness of life and it's unbearable nature still reminds us that we can get out for just a little while, even if the place we escape to is just as bleak. Randles is still pretty into philosophy and stays up too late to read about it on the internet but its a habitual thing really.


  1. Randles and Joe seem to agree with each other in a way Gruber and I are unable to.

  2. I like the conversational tone of this piece. Schechter was slightly confused at the beginning but understood it by the end. We both like the humor throughout the piece.

  3. What this made me think: That even if you question the thing you do--philosophy, art, car mechanics--its still the thing you do and there, in that, is a major source of tension. If you embrace it, the contradiction, I think, Lippman too, the only way to handle life is continually challenge yourself within the context of whatever that endeavor may be. All this to say: your piece is very inspiring.

  4. Palmer really likes this piece of writing. She thinks the flow is very nice and very informative. I like how you portray the differences between yourself and Randles.

  5. Demick and I like how this is much like a short version of a coming-of-age story. There is a lesson learned, a mentor, and a new person that emerges. Demick likes how it is organized very well, giving the reader an easier time understanding such complicated topics.

  6. Dynan and I like how you give very specific details in terms of the use of I and Randles.

  7. West and I like how the writing is easy to read and feels like a story.

  8. Steinberg and I like that Randles is not perfect, but rather a magnified version of the author. Steinberg and I agree with Wittgenstein about philosophy. Steinberg wants to get into that discussion now. I don't.

  9. Jaff felt it was interesting that the piece did not go very much into how Randles and I coexist, yet there seems to be an unspoken peace between them. Randles may be lazy, yet "I" doesn't seem to be too bothered by it. I was intrigued by the fact that "I" is the alpha in the piece, and he seems to be the one controlling everything. I also liked how you brought another character into the mix; it made the overall message much clearer and effective.

  10. Furr really likes how descriptive your piece is, but I think you need to keep "Randles" and "I" separated more.

  11. Mamon and I also wonder if philosophy is really necessary.
    We also agree that all philosphoical problem have to do with language. That is something mamon and I would like to know.

  12. Let it consume thee. Only after you have suffered for it can it be understood. Fight it, tell philosophy that is does no good, and try to avoid it. It will bite back stronger than before. This I say.

  13. I really like how you talked about several interesting topics such as existentialism (I love existentialism). Also Aswad admires how you felt comfortable using the word "masturbation" in your English assignment. Aswad understands your thirst for knowledge and how you read often. Also I admire the melancholy mood in what you wrote.
