Monday, November 29, 2010

Harrington and I

He is the one who works without a flaw. He crafts and essay and does not blink. I do not know how he does this. I nearly died last time I set my pen to paper. To Harrington, there is merely a collection of things that need to be sorted. Numbers to be forced into shape, symbols on a paper to be re-arranged, precise words to be spoken. When I look for myself, there is a certain eloquence to making something out of nothing. This is so absorbing however, that it can overwhelm. Harrington does not see this. There is a single division between him and his work.

Harrington can walk among the people and talk with them. For others though, this act is not so easy. The ability to hide ones own desires and dislikes propels him. He has done so good a job, he once confused his greatest friend into a position of confusion. For some time that friend did not know if he was a friend, or really foe. I in turn am clear and have my path lighted with a hundred of the strongest glowing lamps. I know who he is and I know who I am. I never lie, I tell those who I dislike that they are repugnant. To those I love, I quickly announce our bond shall never die. Alas though, when I was very young, my voice was stolen.

I remember the day, it was some time in autumn when I was told I, will go There and learn to hold my tongue.


  1. Lippman thinks the end of this poem is tremendous. I do not understand why the middle of the piece is so vague. But Lippman knows. Lippman knows that Harrington is a man of deep ideas and that is why I know how strongly he feels, how passionately he is.

  2. Gruber understands obsession but cannot understand why work could ever be so important. I wish I could be a bit more like Harrington.

  3. segar and i liked the awareness of will's nature and tendencies and his ability to express these things so well in his writing

  4. Demick and I think this is an extremely powerful piece. It was organized in a fashion that helps the reader understand what Harrington is going through and swells the reader with the emotions embedded in said piece.

  5. I think this poem is very provocative while at the same time slightly confusing. Schechter agrees but wishes you were more confident because you're a great student.

  6. I think this was a very well written and touching piece. I especially liked the second paragraph. Palmer agrees with me but she also thinks that you seem very sure of yourself.

  7. Dynan likes how descriptive and specific you are when it comes to explaining Harrington and I. I like the metaphors you use, they really help capture a picture of who you are.

  8. Jaff and I are impressed by the validity of this piece; we are overwhelmed by the intensity, yet grateful that the piece is so organic. The writing flows smoothly, yet it has an edge. Jaff and I are interested in Harrington and I, and we wonder how they feel about each other.

  9. Goodman says: that was well written, however redundant at times. I liked it and was interested in in the different symbolic references. The last line of the entire thing I liked the most.

  10. Furr really enjoys the flow of the piece and your word choice, while I think you need a few smaller details to express what yourre trying to say

  11. Mamon and I ponder the abilities of shape. Mamon like's this because bonds never die.

  12. West and I think this writing makes you think and you wonder if you are proud of Harrington or if you wish you were different.

  13. Steinberg and I enjoyed reading this. Steinberg likes how the author feels that Harrington took something from him, his voice was taken at a young age. I like the last sentence. It sounds like the story of Abraham in the bible. Steinberg thinks its weird that I'm referencing that, but then again, Steinberg always was better at holding her tongue then I was.

  14. Joseph was amazed by this piece. Joseph especially enjoyed the imagery, Joseph would not have thought such a concise and personal piece could use imagery like this.

  15. I really like how your intensity shines through your writing. Aswad sometimes feels pressured to work hard and do things perfectly as well. Sometimes I find it easier to simplify some of my emotions instead of analyzing them like Aswad probably would... but Aswad understands how you feel such intense feelings.
