Monday, November 29, 2010

Goodman and I

Goodman and I: Goodman is a tennis maniac. Through day and night he re-grips his racket just to practice. He sits in front of the t.v. watching the old classic tennis matches between Sampras and Agassi, however Adam only enjoy shows such as Jersey Shore and Real World. Goodman looks for the positives of life (usually through tennis) he sees a brand new wilson racket in sports authority and smiles, while Adam only sees his old one. Goodman understands that there is more to life than winning, in a tennis a match or regularly. However, to Adam everything is a competition, not including tennis. The word life is defined by asthe condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growtht hrough metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.however they both see it differently. They both understand that there is more to look at in their everyday lives.

Goodman is destined to do well, however Adam believes that he is destined to fail. Tennis is the only source of satisfaction for both at the same time, when Goodman aces the opponent with a perfectly hit serve up the t, he knows that nobody can stop him, Adam is the same. Goodman goes for the winner, while Adam waits for the opponent to double fault. Goodman aces Adam.


  1. Steinberg and I like the juxtaposition between Goodman and Adam. We also like the last line. We feel it explains a lot about the relationship between Goodman and Adam.

  2. Joseph really enjoyed the piece. Joseph thinks that the piece really realized itself in the final paragraph.

  3. Nice last line. Nice!!!!! Love the way you stick with the tennis motif and create that tension between winning and not winning. The two sides of the coin, indeed. Great tension here. Aside: Stay away from Just be you. There is poetry in you.

  4. Dynan likes how passionate you are about tennis. I like how goodman and yourself are the biggest competition against each other.

  5. Palmer likes how you use a quote and how it really adds to your piece. I like the distinctions yet similarities you lay out in this piece.

  6. Schechter was confused why the definition of life was thrown into the otherwise flowing piece. I especially liked the last paragraph. It really showed the relationship between Goodman and I.

  7. I think its interesting how you set Adam and Goodman against each other like they are opponents in a tennis match. West thinks the writing reads kind of like a tennis match, back and forth between Adam and Goodman.

  8. Mamon and I enjoy the fact that Goodman and Adam are playing eachother. Goodman knows how to catch Adam off guard.

  9. Gruber and I enjoyed the piece because our relationship is almost the exact opposite of Adam and Goodman's. I believe I can do great things, while Gruber knows he is doomed to failure.

  10. Demick and I like how tennis has become the medium for Goodman and Adam, the one place where they can be equal. Demick and I also like how said meeting ground is described using the actions when playing tennis.

  11. I love the intensity of this piece; the way you described how Adam and Goodman are polar opposites and really went into detail about why they are so different was very enticing. Jaff feel's Adam's pain and Goodman's hunger for success, and both Jaff and I can relate to the emotion in this piece.

  12. Harrington sees eye-to-eye with this singular commitment. I see eye-to-eye with the desire to look elsewhere.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I also play tennis so I appreciate what you wrote. Aswad and I understand how you may feel nervous when your opponent is about to hit the ball, and how victorious you feel when you beat your opponent.
