Friday, November 12, 2010

Visibility and Not Talking-Ikey

What makes me visible is that I have figured out how not to talk. I have figured this out by finding the means to lead silently on my field of battle. Even though my sport requires intense communication I have found that I can lead by example and I do not need to tell people how to do things. Leading by example I speak not with my mouth but with my play. No one has to listen to me to talk for a hour about the fundamentals of lacrosse all they need to do is watch how my body moves as if it were a ferrari flying down the Autobahn. I must not tell them how the motor works or each wheel rolls they only look at me to know so that they may upgrade their engine and their wheels and maybe even get built in satellite radio. I lead by example I let my body be the mouth and let my stick be my voice.

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