Monday, November 29, 2010

Segar and I

Charlie enjoys lacrosse while sometimes I feel like I should be doing it. I worry about which coaches are there and how well I have done so far. Charlie takes it seriously because it’s what he is best at but he never lets the fun of playing Lacrosse get lost. The mood and expectations of club lacrosse tend to override the relaxed and smooth movements that illustrate the genuine nature of the sport. Charlie is confident and plays like he knows he can with a swagger as if it doesn't matter who is watching. College coaches line up on the sidelines with their clip boards and predetermined judgements on the teams and players. Their presence is felt by me but for Charlie it gives him a rush similar to pure excitement but more controllable and with a genuine desire to impress. Eventually I find myself driven by intuition and instinct and the nervousness is replaced by a relaxed enjoyment that makes me feel like I'm playing with Charlie.


  1. Gruber and I liked this piece, but he had trouble understanding how the two can get along so easily. It definitely was written from the heart.

  2. I like the end how I becomes Charlie and Schechter likes the vulnerability of it.

  3. Jaff and I love how you portrayed the different feelings of Charlie and I and then brought the two together at the end. The writing is very descriptive, and it gives us a peek into the world of Charlie and I.

  4. Demick and I agree with your view on sports. We also enjoy the way it's portrayed in a sharp and to-the-point manner.

  5. I like how you describe the difference between yourself and Charlie. Palmer can relate to Charlie about the feeling of the rush and pure excitement. Good job.

  6. Oh nice. I said that out loud when you finished. Lippman said, Oh nice. I guess, so does he, that we are the same person. Your ability to separate the two emotive forces and then bring them together is compelling. I enjoyed this immensely because there is too much pressure and what wins out, at the end, is "the relaxed enjoyment" of playing the game.

  7. Goodman and I both think that this piece is very good. Your way of describing how you react to pressure and then saying how Segar reacts to pressure is good.

  8. West likes you're word choice. I think its interesting the way you say that when you begin to relax you can play WITH Charlie.

  9. Mamon and I find charlies and I's Lax abilites to be assertive. It is a good thing how I does not let anything get to his head when hes playing the thing he loves most.

  10. The difficulty is to go on regardless of any predetermined judgement. I find a genuine strength here. An eventual and silent reconciliation.

  11. Furr really likes how the piece flows, but I think you need to differentiate the two a little more. We like the descriptiveness and rhythm of the piece.

  12. I love how you experience so many emotions when you play lacrosse. Aswad and I understand the feeling of wondering how you played. Also I admire your confidence.

  13. Randles and Myself really enjoyed this piece.

  14. Dynan and I really like your last line, "nervousness is replaced by a relaxed enjoyment that makes me feel like i am playing with charlie."It lets the piece have a happy ending.

  15. Steinberg and I like how in the and, Charlie and the author connect over their shared love of lacrosse. Steinberg appreciates Charlie's drive. I also appreciate it, but also see the conflict that the author feels. It shows that perhaps Charlie and the author aren't so different.
