Monday, November 29, 2010

Mamon and I

Mamon is a friend. However, there is not one definition of a friend. In fact, there are many. So many definitions that derive from so many social groups, social networks, and social functions. One may describe friendship as a mutual “like” with another person, however another may describe it as being not just as an individual or even human. A “true” friendship does require mutual companionship. This companionship, although on a very wide spectrum of ideals and values, implies that you have someone--or something, that is there for you, and someone you can talk to. Now, this “spectrum” that I previously just mentioned varies a great deal. On one end is the “best friend” and the other, is just an acquaintance. However, even if you just met a person, the rule of companionship should still apply-- but it doesn't.

To me, Mamon is just a friend. I would not consider him to be a best friend, but definitely more than just an acquaintance. Mamon is somewhere in the middle. I don't trust him as much as other friends, but I do not think he is at all a bad person. He is more of a school friend, than a home friend, but that still counts. However the friendship we share is mutual.

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