Sunday, November 14, 2010

"What makes me visible is that I have figured out how NOT to talk."

What makes me visible is that I have figured out how NOT to talk. I enter a room in silence. My silence brings in intrigue. My refusal to share any aspect of myself, any intake I have, or any interest makes me a person very different than others. My unique silence makes me a curiosity to others. As others speak about their days, I sit in silence. They begin to wonder how and why I choose to stay silent, what are the thoughts that I refuse to share. Their interest grows, as they wonder how I have managed to not talk for so long. I sit in a room filled with the voices of others. I sit empty, but my emptiness brings such a force to the room, as the normalcy that everyone admits through their voice is slowly broken with my silence. I am visible because my ability to remain silent brings an interest to others.

-Ani Keshishian

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