Friday, November 12, 2010

What Makes me Visible

"What makes me visible is that I have figured out how NOT to talk"

What makes me visible is that I have figured out how not to talk. In a society were talking is the social norm, I feel as though I am the most visible because I am often found to be doing the opposite. I might not always scream out my opinion, but I am always listening. People understand that they can come to me with their troubles and concerns, and I will never tune them out. I seem to attract venting people. I enjoy helping people's problems vanish, I can see myself following this type of career path. Not always fitting into the social norm definitely has its advantages. I often find people who become extremely visible and know exactly how to talk get themselves into more difficult situations that they wish they wouldn't have gotten in. In a teenage world, it is extremely easy to say the wrong thing, and visible people who figure out how to talk, often times offend more people then intended. I can definitely relate to the quote "what makes me visible is that I have figured out how NOT to talk". Abiding by this quote definitely has its perks.

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