Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Blackness of My Blackness

The blackness of my blackness is a topic that is never talked about but is always acknowledged. The blackest part of me is not for your ears but more for your heart. You will understand what my blackness is when you come to know the full me, the me that I hide, the me that you always seem to find. I don't talk about my blackness and I ask you to do the same. Let my blackness be a secret in the open air. I will not vocally acknowledge it but look at me directly in my eyes and you will hear what I can never say. Don't try to pick apart the blackness of my blackness, don't try to evaluate it, you'll only be wasting your time. My blackness is not yours, its not your therapy case or some mysterious "thing" you can fix, it is mine. So let it be, you have your blackness too.

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