Friday, December 17, 2010

We Are Afraid

We Are Afraid

We are afraid of pigeons

The way they circle there prey right before they land

We are afraid of sharks

They swim so close to the glass as if they are daring you to come closer

All the while grinning so their rows and rows of teeth show and you inch closer to see what that red sploch on them are

Before you know it they bust through the glass and swallow you whole

We are afraid of turning into our ridiculously embarrassing parents

We are afraid of someone breaking into the house when its only you on the other side of the door shaking with fear and holding on for dear life to a wooden bat but all of the sudden your palms start to sweat and the bat slips out of your hands

We are afraid of failing

Failing in life

We are afraid of creepy people who talk to themselves on the train

The way they rock back in forth in their seat hold there hands to there head and muttering what seems like the same words over and over again

We are afraid of tripping right as you are handed your diploma and knock the rest of the graduating class over

We are afraid of robots taking over the world

And there will be no Arnold Schwarzenegger to save us

We are afraid that one day we will not have the strength to stand up to our fears

That is what we are truly afraid of

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