Friday, December 3, 2010

Professor Alphonse von Clay, the Mighty Molecule or you can’t leave me with her because it isn’t healthy for a boy my age to be with a women like that

The dog days are over. The song, and melody just mix in between to create the perfect harmonious blend. A song so popular, that was once outcasted, and to the dismay of others, will one day be outcasted again. Sammy thought that his dog days were over. He finally could have a partner in crime, and what a man his father was. The Mighty Molecule was everything his mother wouldn’t let him. He would smoke, swear, and drink in front of his son, and Sammy adored every second of it. However Sammy’s father was everything great, except for being a father. When Sammy wanted his dad the most, despite the Mighty Molecule promising to stay, he still left. Then, like the dog days are over, the Mighty Molecule was out of the lime light.

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