Thursday, December 2, 2010


I remember that day Scott pulled me aside to change everything. I could feel his anger, his frustration toward me. I knew he was mad, but why, why would he turn like that in a split second. Why did those words spew out like the very venom we would try to combat. It did not make sense then, I did what was asked, just exactly what was asked. I remember the words he said with almost painful clarity, they started harsh like the sun lit snow lying there silent next to us, but then finally he said it. He changed his tone to tell me something in such a way that it seemed new for both of us. I stood there in silence, silence so loud it still rings through me today. Silence created after he said the five words I remember clearer than that night sky after two days of misery. Five words that took a mere two seconds to say: “You have what it take.” A life changed in two seconds is one that can only be remembered in two parts. In a way thats our job; changing someones life in two sends, a mere heart beat away. I did not understand what he meant, what was it I had? I still don’t know what it means. Looking back, however, I’m glad he said partly because it was well worth it but mainly because I will never be the same again.

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