Friday, December 3, 2010

The pair of young German professors or chairs to stock a large café or market bags and wrapped parcels of meat.

They looked at me weird for making a café that only serves meat not coffee no cookies but meat like beef stew or that gross pâté stuff which only stuff old people order cause they’re obviously constipated. I mean who else could think of a café that only serves meat like a meat pie well other then Sweeney Todd but I promise its not made of people but seriously who knows what in meat? But back to the food we have steak cut into stars and circle to look like finger sandwiches and the art is my favorite part. There is a life-sized picture of Lady Gaga in her meat dress hanging by the door. Some people think its odd but they have obviously never tasted our Gaga chili it has little bits of raw meat in it to honor her amazing creation which is of course the meat dress. So when you’re on town I encourage you to come to All You Can Meat café next to the German School in New York. By the way its not all you can eat that’s just the name.

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