Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Caterpillar Scheme

My Caterpillar Scheme

I get stuck into a routine. Daily routines, monthly routines, annual routines. All of these a system of things that I have done in the past, things I am doing now, and things that I will most likely continue to do. If it were up to my parents, my grandparents, and the umpteenth number of parents before them, I would go to a good college, get a good job, marry a good wife, have good kids, lead a good legacy. Good is their word. I can’t use good because I’ve never seen “good”. I’ve never witnessed anything “good”. Isn’t good just a figment of imagination? Not just my imagination or my ancestor’s, but everyone’s? In reality when people talk about what they wish in their life, it won’t come true, or not necessarily as how they planned. In fact, in reality I will probably go to college, get a job which pays too little, sleep in a bed which is too small, send my kids to a school which is too expensive, and marry a wife who doesn’t love me enough. But for now, I have a distraction. People know that I like music. Like probably isn’t the correct word but it will suffice. Since people already know this about me I’m not going to dwell on it. This thing is my distraction from my daily, monthly, and annual routines. It is a fact that I will not use this distraction in my career. It’s not the lack of drive or the lack of care about this, it just won’t happen. Music will not physically move me out of my system of routines, but it will put some blinders on me and make me not worry about my job, or my kids, or my bed.

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