Friday, December 17, 2010

We are Afraid

We are Afraid

We are afraid of insects.
The little spiders and ants that may or may not bite.
We are afraid of needles.
The shots that we know will help us, but scare us anyway
We are afraid of change
When it’s unplanned and could lead to something unknown
That leaves us suddenly helpless in a new world.
And everybody else will have liked the change and we will be alone
With nobody who can relate to us
We are afraid of flying
We are afraid of crying
We are afraid of 2012
The rumors that predict our demise as a species.
That when looked at reasonably are nonsense,
but that still make us worry
whether the worry is public or private
We are afraid of leaving
We are afraid of coming home
We are afraid of dying
But we are just as scared of living

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