Thursday, December 2, 2010


For me, revolutionary is the key. I want to hear those words, or that phrase where all you can say is eureka! I want to be great, and I have it all mapped out. I know what schools I am going to, and what I am going to major. I know all of the different variations that my career could take me depending on how I want to use it. I have options, but I have also been narrowed in. There is a road to take. However, we all know that there is a left hand turn, and a right hand turn as well. Mapquest can’t tell you when there is traffic so there can also be impulse movements. Lastly, there are forks in the road, and only you can decide which way to go. I have been driving on a one way street, straight to my future. Until I hear that eureka, you will continue driving.

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