Thursday, December 2, 2010


The demon of rebellion is locked within the walls, tables, and chairs of every classroom, arising occasionally to jirate the throne of authority. The bane of teachers, its beaten back dehumanized to cure a guilty conscense. In this class;however, the beast of burden is welcomed, and for me its consent is my escape.
To refuse the order of power, to take whats given-throw it away-and return with creativity (or as others call wrong) is the greatest lesson I have ever learned. They say the mind never dies, but I think not when confined to the ideas of another. Taught to disagree has given me myself back and with that I am perfectly content. So i guess in teaching my to disagree i was taught to agree with myself. Sometimes it is not in the lesson that you gain knowledge but through what you take away as "a lesson" where you truly gain understanding. and through rebellion i gain that.

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