Friday, December 3, 2010

Long Title

it's a giant or statue of liberty or maybe its was supposed to be a female.

Its starts with hair in the mind of annie mangoni. TO her, thats something really weird to talk about. I cant say i dont agree, hair is f**** weird conversation. But how can I judge? They say one mans trash is another mans treasure and maybe their right. In Zeke's mind hair could be the number one thing. He could have a diary of hair in his room, or even more, a bag of hair he collects in his bag. That hair that frustrate ourlives, working their way onto computers, books, and mouths. The annoying strands we brush off all falling unknown into Zekes hair bag. And that makes realize I shed so many things, so much hair, everyday. Gum, rappers, dust, dirt, everything I dont want brushed off to where? What if I secretly collected gum. Not the packaged stuff but the spiderweb kind under your seat, or the worn down pieces sprinkling the sidewalk. While everyone thought I was normal I actually had a massive collection of used gum. Would people be scared of me?

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