Friday, December 3, 2010

His heart smacking against his ribs like a bumblebee at a window Or Divert people’s attention from his quest Or Traffic of schoolchildren and clerks

Imagine a sea of people

Herded together like sheep

Grounded, surrounded

Multicolored faces,

Then you,

Embedded in a design, quilt of different textures

Yet anxiety arises within because you are not alone now,

Walking in a street so crowded,

Your vision clouded by the blurs and slurs of the mainstream,

Your heart pounds in a beat that seems to echo aloud,

You don’t like crowds,

Every flaw projected onto strangers,

It’s a danger,

Having your secrets and quirks mirrored onto the street

Displayed to people you can’t meet in a short span of 2 seconds

Their judgments of you portrayed by their flashed faces,

Their cold eyes and stuck up held high chins they simply say

“I don’t know you but by looking at you I don’t want to”

Traffic of schoolchildren,

Traffic of clerks,

Traffic of businessmen and schoolteachers,

All of them,

Worry you.

Tunnel vision your acquisition,

Walking faster to your destination

Heart smacking against your ribs,

Legs quivering with each step,

All that matters is

you have to get out of the crowd.

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