Tuesday, September 14, 2010

blackness of my blackness

The darkest of my darkness. Feeling the loneliness of lonely. Knowing that nobody is there for you. I have felt the feeling of having no one there cause they have died or been takin by a needle or a pipe that knows no bound. The points where I feel no escape where I see the drugs that almost took my uncle’s life or the noose that took my cousin’s. Walking through the garage where you wish only bugs would go to die. You wish you could say what makes them turn from evil or you wish you had a cure to the disease. You wish you could tell someone there is light at the end of the tunnel and that happiness is not only for movies. Telling them this is not the way, having the tears run down your face because you wish you could say the right thing. Seeing the ones almost lost or seeing the ones lost makes you recede into the darkness. For me seeing those fortunate enough to live brings me a ray of sun but seeing the face of a loved one lost bring about the blackness of my blackness.

1 comment:

  1. Ikey, all I can say is that it is a wonderful world that we live in, and from reading you story I feel that I must live in the moment now, and enjoy all the wonderful things that Armstrong talks about. Although there is a lot of dark in your story I take out a different theme. A theme that we must live for now and be thankful of the wonderful things around us, for tragedy is always near.
