Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Scribe post David Jacquet Neal Descriptive writing

Descriptive writing

Question: Come to Jesus moment- Did you actually read the three readings in the Norton reader, not read them/ understand them, or was  it time management?
Most of answers were that it was just really dense writing and was hard to stay focused on it.

Plays The moth pod cast on NPR

What elements of story telling is she using in the podcast?
  1. Humour
  2. Song
  3. Change in tone
  4. Conflict
  5. Dips into her darker past
  6. Helps us imagine the story/ imagery 
  7. Similes
  8. Uses an accent 
  9. Unique modifiers
    1. especially when describing the field
Whats the story about?
The story was a strong story that many people in the class had comments upon.  These are those answers that came up.
  1. Faith
  2. the reaction to the loss of the father
  3. a bad thing can turn good
  4. Coincidences
  5. Karma and/or luck
There were many comments stated about this writing.  The main character had lots of anger during this and on pg 18 were she goes on a rant about all races and how they all should be destroyed. "As a specious we were an abomination. All of us."  But also there were parts were it was extremely happy and meaning full such as when they sing the anthem.

The next post will be by ASA


  1. Really well organized. Good pictures! Thanks for the link to listen to the Baseball story again! I like the lists of writing elements for the stories we discussed. (a little more class discussion detail) Good job! :)

  2. The list of elements for "The Moth" was spot on. You really captured how she keeps the listener interested. I think something that also helped was how she spoke to us. The tone of voice really helped capture the moment, and I thought it was great how you included that in the list of elements.

  3. The story we listened to in class was a great way to start our writing project. It gave a new perspective of incorporating past events, humor, and other qualities into our pieces of work.
