Friday, September 3, 2010

Fiori and I

Fiori like to play his bass a lot. I personally think that he has more pressing things to do. I always try to tell him that there are things he should be doing instead, like homework or studying, but he usually insists that there will be time for that later and that he would much rather practice his instrument. I hate when he spends hours trying to learn something above his level, but he loves it when he finally learns it. Fiori wants to play music for the rest of his life as a profession. I honestly think he should be a doctor or something, something where he puts his brain to better use.

The most frustrating times for me are when Fiori gets really into something new that he is learning on bass and stops doing the things that are required of him. If only I could convince him to drop the instrument and do something that I would like to pursue. I really enjoy science and math and would love to do something with my life that involves those. The only thing standing in my way is Fiori, and unfortunately it looks like he may be winning. Recently it has been getting harder to dissuade him from playing and convince him to do something that I want.

It looks as though soon enough I will no longer have the same opinion on the matter, I already have begun to see myself wanting to play bass instead of working. However I will not give up hope yet. I plan to fight against Fiori’s love of music for as long as I can.


  1. Fiori wants to play music for the rest of his life as a profession.

    His music is a waste, his opinions about his profession are great

  2. "I plan to fight against Fiori's love of music for as long as I can." I think this was a really good way to end it because it captures the reader's attention and imagination and makes them want to know what will happen to you in the end.

  3. "It looks as though soon enough I will no longer have the same opnion on the matter," cool stuff. you begin to come to terms with yourself and realize who you are.

  4. I really think that it's awesome how you start to convince yourself of love for the bass in the writing. "The only thing standing in my way is Fiori, and unfortunately it looks like he may be winning".

  5. " I already have begun to see myself wanting to play bass instead of working"

    I like how it comes to a middle ground near the end. a nice way to easy off of the conflict.

  6. Diego--The arc of things in this piece, the way the first person and third person begin to come closer together, slightly, is wonderful. Here, you write,

    It looks as though soon enough I will no longer have the same opinion on the matter, I already have begun to see myself wanting to play bass instead of working...

    The bass it is! Well done.

  7. "I plan to fight against Fiori’s love of music for as long as I can." It seems as though music is really taking over your life which I love obviously! Even you are starting to succumb to the temptations of music.

  8. "If only I could convince him to drop the instrument and do something that I would like to pursue. I really enjoy science and math and would love to do something with my life that involves those. The only thing standing in my way is Fiori, and unfortunately it looks like he may be winning."

    It's almost as if you can't control this desire to play to play the bass (at least that's how I interpret it), and I can relate. You seem to have presented your passion for music as an obstacle to pursue other things, that's how much it consumes you. I really appreciate that.

  9. "I plan to fight against Fiori’s love of music for as long as I can." This stood out to me the most because it shows how you go in and out of your dreams and then Fiori's sense or what he thinks is sense.

  10. "The most frustrating times for me are when Fiori gets really into something new that he is learning on bass and stops doing the things that are required of him."

    this story was really funny and I loved the way you explained your frustration about your own passion for music. rock on homeboy

  11. I am slightly biased towards this piece because I understand the frustrated feeling you describe so well, porbably because the way you describe it is spot on. Consider yourself lucky to have found something you're passionate about so soon.

  12. I honestly really enjoyed reading this the idea of what you know you want to do or feel you should do and what you actually do "Fiori wants to play music for the rest of his life as a profession. I honestly think he should be a doctor or something, something where he puts his brain to better use."
    As well as "If only I could convince him to drop the instrument and do something that I would like to pursue" it brings to my mind the idea of choices and wants and how powerful wants can be over decisions.

  13. I loved how you said " I plan to fight against Fiori’s love of music for as long as I can" it made the whole Fiori and I a little more dramatic, like it was building up to that. Great job, it was very descriptive and captured my attention almost right away!
