Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Louis Armstrong and Johnny Cash; Blue Yodel No. 9

I may not be black
I may not be dark
I may not be tan
Maybe I am white, maybe the whitest white you have ever seen
Snow white
But inside
Past the facades,
Past the blockades, mirrors and illusions,
Where no one else can see
Is the blackest black
Blacker than coal black
Blacker than night sky black
As cold as a winter night
If you fall in you will never come out
Don't be fooled
Don't be scared
We all have a little blackness in our hearts
Maybe it's a little patch, almost nothing
But maybe it has completely engulfed the heart you thought you knew so well
I'm aware of my darkness
Are you aware of yours?

~Emily Levesque~

1 comment:

  1. So I had a really good comment and then it got deleted 'cause I had to log in. I really like this poem a lot. The music relates to it by having to parts/side to it. The music has two musicians who together sound great together. Your poem has two voices or sides to it. One is the voice on the outside and the other is the hidden voice, on the inside that everyone has.
