Thursday, September 16, 2010

Invisible Man Discussion 9/16/10

Today we discussed the book Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.  We discussed the Prologue and our reactions to it. Bruna:  So obsessed with himself that he doesn't see himself. Many found the man to be a weird person.  Jake said that he was mentally unstable.  Character whines and complains that he is invisible.

Observations of Persona:
The character wants up to feel bad for him that he is invisible.  The book relates to Borges and I.  He is also impulsive.

Weird moments of the Prologue:
Almost kills a man when he bumps into him
Smokes some marijuana and finds story in music:  He talks to a slave woman who fell in love with her master and had three sons with her.  Sons threaten to beat him.

Amazing quote of the day:

"In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the five fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress." Booker T. Washington

Ideas for persona:
Persona is understood person --> awkward.  Oppressed to the point that he feels invisible.


Jake Carrol 11:39 a.m: His invisibility is not a result of his craziness, his craziness is a result of his invisibility.

I tell you, this kid is on a roll!

And the next scribe is...

wait for it...

Karan Bakshi.


  1. I like the thing that Jake said about the characters invisibility... just saying I had that idea just didnt get called on

  2. Noah, I think you did a good job with this post, although I agree with Mr. Neal in that he says it's a little hard to follow. While it does follow some sort of structure, the ideas seem a little incomplete and they could be fleshed out a tiny bit. This probably works a lot better for most people, but for me, I need to be able to read everything in a paragraph form to intake all of the information. Other than that little thing, that really only affects me, I think you did an awesome job.

  3. Noah, your reflection on yesterday's class was extremely insightful. I feel that the main character's invisibility is mostly created by him. I don't believe he was born invisible. He chooses to deflect the status quo!

  4. Nice titles before you talk about a different topic. :) i.e. Observations of Persona; Weird moment of the prologue, Amazing quote of the day; etc.

  5. awwwww yeeeee Goldstein, get some. What a killer blog post, keep 'em coming. You could have used slightly less choppy sentences, but it's all good.
    This whole story reminds me of the rockin' tune "Even Flow" by Pearl Jam, at least to a certain extent. Other than the fact that both are totally killer creative works, but also because both depict a homeless or crazy, near homeless person, and how people react to him, and vice versa.

  6. Noah, I thought your blog post was very descriptive in the sense that
    it noted important comments made throughout the class and from what I've read it sounds like you captured the essence of the discussion. I think you could've elaborated more on the idea of the characters invisibility.
