Friday, September 3, 2010

Saker and I

Saker and I

That one. The weird one. The one with paint on her hands and leaves in her hair. I’ve seen her run half a block down the street just to greet spotted dog and splatter ink across her walls just to see the shapes it can form. Saker sits on the bed, making bizarre faces at her watercolors. She frowns. I just like the silence that is only broken by the sound of the brush kissing the paper.

Saker is fascinated by everything around her. I carefully pick a path between puddles, while she dances from flower to tree to bush, wild-haired and barefoot, collecting objects that catch her eye. A paper umbrella. A tiny eggshell. A shard of rose patterned china. And then she’s gone. Back to draw endless lines on a seashell or to put flying horses on her homework. I would like to think that we can coexist peacefully. Sometimes we disagree. Sometimes we argue for the hell of it. Sometimes I wonder what she’ll become or how I will fit into her life. Or how she’ll fit into mine.


  1. "Or how she’ll fit into mine. " I liked how this line showed that eventually one character will become dominant but it's unclear which it will be.

  2. "I just like the silence that is only broken by the sound of the brush kissing the paper". I love this line because I can really picture it in my head.

  3. Nice line,"I just like the silence that is only broken by the sound of the brush kissing the paper."

  4. "Saker is fascinated by everything around her. I carefully pick a path between puddles, while she dances from flower to tree to bush, wild-haired and barefoot, collecting objects that catch her eye. A paper umbrella." I love how these lines are very detailed, you can almost feel as if you were around both of them.

  5. Amanda--Your descriptions are breathtaking. They tell a story of the self which cannot be ignored. Your proclivity for "art" is felt deeply in this piece. Your connection to creation is delicious. It comes across beautifully in this line,

    I just like the silence that is only broken by the sound of the brush kissing the paper.

  6. i like the contrast in this line "I carefully pick a path between puddles, while she dances from flower to tree to bush, wild-haired and barefoot, collecting objects that catch her eye" just show the differences between the two

  7. "I just like the silence that is only broken by the sound of the brush kissing the paper." I really like that line because the way you described the brush going across the paper gave a unique image.

  8. "Sometimes I wonder what she’ll become or how I will fit into her life. Or how she’ll fit into mine." I liked this line because it really shows how you and Saker and the same person, and shows how others view you, as well as how you view yourself. Awesome!

  9. "I just like the silence that is only broken by the sound of the brush kissing the paper." - I like this line.

  10. I really like "I just like the silence that is only broken by the sound of the brush kissing the paper."

  11. I love your description and the variety of objects you chose to collect. I could really picture your entire piece in my head.

  12. You seem to be happy with your outer you.
    Your inner you doesn't have much of a say and you make us like the carefree-ness of Saker.
    You are at peace with yourself--which is hard for most human beings to accomplish.
    Your "essay" seemed more like one of your art peices: Beautifully detailed images but with an utter motive behind that colored canvas.

  13. "I carefully pick a path between puddles, while she dances from flower to tree to bush, wild-haired and barefoot, collecting objects that catch her eye"

    ncie imagry, illiteration, and descriptive language! I love everything about your style of writing

  14. I loved everything about this piece. I thought your writing was excellent and the way you feel about your inner self is definitely shown here.

    "Saker is fascinated by everything around her. I carefully pick a path between puddles, while she dances from flower to tree to bush, wild-haired and barefoot, collecting objects that catch her eye."

    I also loved your way of describing things.

  15. I like the juxtaposition of the spontaneous side and more analytical "I carefully pick a path between puddles, while she dances from flower to tree to bush" it reminds me of right brain v left
