Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Grass is Green

You are my lover because you are the one who is like me. You are the one who gets who I am; my hidden messages spark your interest while giving you insight. Because year from now you will remember this moment, me, and the words we exchanged. You are me lover because you will look back on this day, with slight mystery, but greater understanding. Because you that kind that pushes past your first feelings to explore those hidden deep inside of you. Because you are the kind that searchers for answers not just insight.


  1. She is calling him lover besause they are lovers, they are connected and are bonded to one another.

  2. I like the way you emphasize the fact that doing this one task let's him understand her in a deeper way than others.

  3. You are me lover because you will look back on this day, with slight mystery, but greater understanding.

    I really like this line; It shows how things make more sense when they've passed, but how there is also confusion about not realizing it then. (Thats how I read it)
