Monday, September 20, 2010

English Class 9-20-10

The overall theme of today's class was figuring out what tools we can use to create an outstanding personal narrative. We listened to a story from the NPR segment "The Moth" called "All-Star Game" by Michela Murphy. Although the story was spoken, and not written, there were plenty of techniques that taken from it.
We found that unusual modifiers, and unique verb choice captivate the reader, or in this case, the listener. She used specific details to create an even more accurate image of what is going on. Most imoprtantly To me, I felt as if I was watching TV, and listening to a person talking. She used enough of these techniques to have a strong effect on the reader, but not enough to cause an "overkill" feeling. Also, the way that Murphy incorperated humor into the story made it so much more enjoyable to listen to. She used clever lines to keep the reader entertained and rivited.
So what we can take away from this experience is that, using descriptive language techniques and adding humor is crucial!
and the next scribe is... ALEXYS!
^^here is the link to the podcast

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you were able to condense the whole class into a few paragraphs. I would only suggest that you add some examples of the descriptive language that can pull us in
